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PT 47, S2, P1, Q1

by mrudula_2005 Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:25 pm

I'm having trouble pinpointing exactly why E could not be considered a credited response to this question. In lines 62-66, it seems like the author is pretty clearly praising the way in which the ministers involved themselves, saying that by acting as "activists who nonetheless continued to work through established political channels [they] served as a model for future ministers who sought to initiate protest actions on behalf of their communities."

I italicized the part that illustrates "the way in which the leaders of the Downstate campaign negotiated the agreement that ended the campaign" and bolded the part that illustrates the author's "favorable attitude" to that method...so I still am seeing E as a fine response.

where does it go wrong?

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Re: PT 47, S2, P1, Q1

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:42 am

I can see your point, especially with the highlighted portions of the text. I see a couple of problems though with answer choice (E). I'm not sure that the author ever said that leaders of the downtown campaign negotiated the agreement through established political channels. It simply states that these leaders continued to work through established political connections - that they had not completely lost their reputation as moderates and maintained their political connections.

Also, the discussion of the negotiated agreement was around line 45, not lines 62-66. it's tough to use a claim so much later in the passage to reference a positive attitude for something discussed around line 45.

(A) is unsupported, we don't know that the opinions of union leaders were altered.
(B) is contradicted. The author said that no new anti-discrimination legislation resulted, but rather they got better enforcement of currently existing legislation (line 52).
(C) is unsupported. The author does not have a positive attitude with regard to the relationship.
(D) is found in lines 53-58. "effective," "previously neglected."
(E) is close and while the author has a positive attitude towards the leaders of the Downstate campaign, the author does not have a positive attitude towards the way the agreement was negotiated.

Let me know if you need more help with this one!