Question Type:
Identify the Conclusion
Stimulus Breakdown:
A recently discovered deep-sea creature has red lights on some of its tentacles that probably serve to attract prey.
Scientists need to reassess their belief that no deep-sea creature can detect red light.
Answer Anticipation:
The correct answer might be a rephrasing of the conclusion, but should have the same meaning.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This is a rewording of the premise.
(B) This is a rewording of the premise.
(C) This is part of the premise. You could consider it background information: the fact that the red lights are shaped like a common food source for deep-sea fish, and probably serve as lures, is really the support for the conclusion. The genus of the creature, its size, and even the fact that it has only been discovered recently aren't the parts that provide support. In any case, this isn't the conclusion.
(D) This is what we call an opposing point. It describes the scientists' belief, which is refuted by the conclusion of the argument.
(E) Correct. This is the conclusion.
Takeaway/Pattern: Your mission when facing an Identify the Conclusion question is to identify the core of the argument (premise and conclusion), then find the answer choice that correctly describes the conclusion.
Should you find yourself facing some creepy, tentacled deep-sea creature, stay away from the shiny red lights!