Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: In order to meet the freshwater needs of the near future, we'll have to restrict water use.
Evidence: The population will increase a ton over the next few decades, drastically increasing our need for freshwater (our supply is adequate for present use).
Answer Anticipation:
Given that we will have drastically increasing demand for freshwater, how would we counterargue that we WON'T have to restrict water use to meet our freshwater needs? Not sure. I guess there just must be some way besides restricting water use that will allow us to meet our needs. Since this is Necessay Assumption, the correct answer when negated will crush the argument.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) "Other natural resources" is out of scope.
(B) We don’t care about the recent past; we care about the near future. If you negated this and said "total freshwater supply HAS diminished in recent years", that makes it even more likely that the author is right about us needing to restrict water in the near future.
(C) Yes! This has the loveable "ruling out" language that is in so many correct Nec Assump answers. When we negate this, it says that "freshwater supply WILL increase sufficiently to meet the newly increased needs of humankind". That blows up the conclusion. We will NOT need to restrict water use if our supply will increase sufficiently to meet our needs.
(D) This is pretty extreme, but still somewhat tempting. if we negated it, we're saying "some attempt to synthesize water WILL have an appreciable effect on freshwater supply". That's kinda like what we got in (C): freshwater supply will go up. However, in (C) we got language that fully guarantees that supply goes up enough to compensate for the increased needs of humanity. In (D), we get no such wording. Thus, comparing them head-to-head makes (C) a clear winner.
(E) This is extreme. If we negate it, it's saying "at least one water conservation method we've previously attempted DID yield an increase in freshwater supply." It would be a LOT of added thoughts to think that we can get from that idea to the idea that "we won't need to restrict water because we'll have ample supply".
Takeaway/Pattern: Some people will "hear" what wasn't said when they read this argument. It is said that the present freshwater supply is adequate for today's use. It is assumed that the present (or future) freshwater supply will NOT be adequate for our future water needs. The rest of us should just use the negation test as we always do on Necessary Assumption, in which case we can see how (C), when negated, basically blows up the argument.