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Atticus Finch
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Passage Discussion

by LSAT-Chang Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:45 pm

Could somebody take a look at my scale and provide any feedback??

Side A -- traditional model of indsustrial activity should be changed to industrial ecosystem (author, some manufacturers)

Side B -- traditional model of industrial activity remain the same?
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Re: Passage Discussion

by demetri.blaisdell Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:45 pm


I take a pretty liberal approach to scale-writing. There are two reasons for this:

1. This scale is meant to be a way of thinking. You obviously won't have time to write out the scale on the actual exam. Sometimes on the LSAT there aren't really two sides presented, but the process of looking for them (and imagining the other side) will help you understand the passage much more clearly.

2. Reasonable minds can disagree. There are definitely wrong scales but it is not true that there is one right scale for each passage.

With those two points in mind, I think you've done a fine job of the scale here. Lines 17-21 are actually about the proposed change, but they can serve as a reasonable definition for the "current system."

One more helpful hint for the future: if you make a scale and you can't put the author and any other prominent people mentioned in the passage on one side or the other, your scale, and therefore your understanding of the passage, is not quite right. I hope this helps.

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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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Re: Passage Discussion

by hnadgauda Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:37 pm

Passage Map:

P1: The population is going to increase in the future. If the waste production continues to go the way it has been in the past, there will be too much waste!!

P2: Motivation to transition from the traditional model of industrial activity to an *industrial ecosystem*.

P3: The industrial ecosystem is one where each part is connected to another so that waste is reused!

P4: The author is saying current technology is not up to the task of creating an ideal industrial ecosystem YET. The author is optimistic about the future.