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Is it because I suck, or LSAT test tendency?

by jiyoonsim Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:44 am

Before I start, I would like to say thank you so much for Manhattan LSAT for running a great resource boards like this :) I am doing preptest backward (recent to old). From preptest 40-50 range, my socre was somewhat stable. It wasn't the highest, it wasn't always same, but my score stayed in a narrow range.

As soon as I started early 30's, my score dropped by 5 points. First, I thought maybe I didn't concentrate enough (there has been a lot of unexpected noise when I was taking my first 30-range preptest). Then on my second one - which I took in much quieter surrounding - I scored exactly same, lower than my older preptest average.

Now, if it happend only once, I could probably just think it's a mistake, my laziness, etc. But now I see two same things from tests in a same number range, I started to doubt it. Is preptest 30's are different from others? Or is it common to see score drops/ups depending on the preptest number range?
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Re: Is it because I suck, or LSAT test tendency?

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:45 pm

The LSAT has remained fairly consistent over the years. The RC has gotten a bit "wordier." And some of the game types in LG have fluctuated in terms of frequency, but for the most part, your scores should have been about the same. If anything, your score should have been a bit higher, as average raw scores have been on the rise over the past 10 years - thereby tightening the curve a bit.

I would suspect that the largest decrease was in RC and/or LG and that your LR stayed fairly similar. Check! Either way, I'd say take a few more PT's and once you get the knack of some game types you might not have seen too much in modern PT's, you're score will in all likelihood bounce back to where you were at.
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Re: Is it because I suck, or LSAT test tendency?

by bradyllewis Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:54 pm

Don't get too discouraged. I've talked to several students that have experienced the same thing. It may even be some type of a mental block. If not initially, your first time scoring lower could have had an effect on you which got into your head and contributed to your second low score.

Anyway, keep you head and keep plugging away. As long as you keep up your prep work, your score should bounce back up.