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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 1
Joined: April 11th, 2024

How did you master the logic reasoning section?

by dernuc317 Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:57 am


So, I will try to make this brief for everyone.

I have taken a total of six timed exams. I understand that's not enough, but I've done my best to also go through questions from older prep tests.

By the second preptest I was completing the third game, and my last two I completed all four games (missing 1 or 2 questions because I'm stupid).

So, with that said, I know that the only way that I can reach my goal is to improve on logic reasoning. I am almost done with the LSAT Trainer, and I'm still struggling with questions. Specifically Must Be True (Inference), Strengthen, and Justify (SA) questions. Last night was my first time crying over the LSAT (it sucked). I am not only frustrated, but terrified that the September exam is in two months. At this point I've decided that I would be happy if I could at least improve by 5-6 points

What helped you improve in logic reasoning? 7sage? A tutor? The Logic Reasoning Bible?

I would appreciate any advice (or words of encouragement).

Thank you.