by ohthatpatrick Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:22 pm
Hey, Carly. Have you already read / learned about the Logic Chain in the Logic Games Strategy Guide?
The Logic Chain is that diagram in which we have two columns of matching letters and a bunch of arrows going between them and around them. If you haven't yet read / learned about this type of diagram, definitely check out the chapter on Open Conditional Grouping games (and if you have access to LSAT Interact, review the class 6 section on Games).
That method is a little different than what I can/will show you here. You should try to learn the Logic Chain because it's ultimately the most efficient way to handle these.
We can tweak your method, though, to be more effective.
As you're doing, you have to symbolize each rule and its contrapositive. Write the contrapositives underneath the original rule, not next to it. Try to line up all the arrows on your page so that the stack of conditional rules you have is very neat.
(I'll try to show you what I mean, but this typing environment ignores blank spaces, so I'll have to use a bunch of little periods to space things out correctly ... ignore the periods, they're just so that letters show up in the correct place)
1st pass through symbolizing the rules should leave you with:
.............M --> ~O and ~P
......O or P --> ~M
..............S --> P and T
.~P or ~T --> ~S
.............W --> M and Y
~M or ~Y --> ~W
Now what you do is go one-by-one:
1. Look at the idea(s) to the right of the arrow.
2. Ask yourself if that idea is any of the triggers on the right side of the arrow.
3. If you find one, then chain on that idea to the original conditional.
For example, the first line is
M --> ~O and ~P
I ask myself, "Does ~O or ~P ever trigger any of the other rules? Yes! ~P triggers ~S. Let me chain that onto the original".
Now my first line looks like
M --> ~O and ~P --> ~S
But you don't necessarily stop there. Now you ask yourself, "Does ~S trigger any of the rules? Hmmm, nope. Okay, this chain is done then. Onto the next one!"
We'll go through all six lines here and see if we can extend these conditionals by chaining any of them together.
Once we've looked through them all, our rules should look like this:
.............M --> ~O and ~P --> ~S
......O or P --> ~M --> ~W
..............S --> P and T --> ~M --> ~W
.~P or ~T --> ~S
.............W --> M and Y --> ~O and ~P --> ~S
~M or ~Y --> ~W
The Logic Chain I was telling you about will also help you find these chains (but it allows you to represent them even more efficiently).
Let me know if you have questions. Hope this helps.