An ordering game with conditional statements. We really luck out with rules that allow us to infer the structure of the entire game.
During the rules, we are given a condition of G-H as well as a condition of H-G. These are the only possibilities in an ordering game.
So we can use all of the other rules given in the ordering game to make two ordering trees.
This is my global diagram:
There are two situations in this game and, for ease of communication, I labeled them 1 and 2.
1 = G-H situation
2 = H-G situation
Question 9 is a local question asking what could be true if we have L-F. As you can see, we will not be in situation 1, as this has F-L.
We can start with what we know, L-F, and use the ordering tree in situation 2 to make inferences.
We know that G must follow F according to situation 2. We also know that H and K must precede L.
We also know that J must proceed K. (Get used to that kind of language!)
So this is what we have. As we can see G could certainly come prior to J.