The smoke has cleared, the test has come and gone. Feel free to share your experiences with your peers.

Wrote GMAT 770!

by cdngirl Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:54 pm

After finishing the 10 week self-study, I wrote the gmat yesterday and got 770! Better than expected, I found the manhatttan practice gmat tests somewhat harder than the real thing, mostly in the quant section. I studied about 4-5 hours a week on Sundays, doing the readings and recommended OG problems. After the 10 weeks of the program I wrote more practice tests until writing. Overall, my practice tests were:
Manhattan Gmat practice 1: 590 Q32 V39 (before studying, completely ran out of time on quant).
Man. gmat 2: 640 Q38 V38
Man. gmat 3: 720 Q47 V42
Man. gmat 4: 690 Q47 V37
Man. gmat 5: 740 Q47 V45
Man. gmat 6: 710 Q42 V 45
GMAT Prep 1: 760 Q49 V46
GMAT Prep 2: 750 Q49 V44

Official Score: 770 Q49 V47

Good luck to everyone


by guest Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:42 pm

wow thats awesome...

your verbal score seems to have improved a LOT...was it your SC that improved?

did you feel that the gmat PREP SC was much harder than the MGMAT SC?

also how would you compare the level of questions on GMAT prep vs. the real GMAT.

by Guest Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:55 am

I think it definitely was my sentence correction that improved the most. After doing a bunch of practice on it, I got used to what they were looking for. Also, going back and reading the SC guide again after writing a few tests makes you realize how helpful it is. You really do see similar types of problems over and over (matching pronouns being a big one). Also, when I wrote the test when I got 690, I had thought I did really poorly on the quant section and so wasn't really trying that hard on the verbal (goes to show, you really don't know! I should have kept up trying my best.)

I would say the SC on the MGMAT was a similar level to the gmat Prep software, I didn't notice much difference.

Overall, I think the gmat prep questions were of a comparable level to the real gmat, although I did see maybe two problems on the gmat prep that I had done in practice, and one repeat, so the real thing was maybe a bit more difficult. In the quant on the real thing, I could tell one time when I got a guinea-pig question that wouldn't count towards my score, it was a really easy question in the middle of a bunch of hard ones. I read it over three times to make sure I wasn't being tricked! On the verbal in the real thing, I felt pretty comfortable with my answers, but there were still a number of times when it could have gone one of two ways and I tried to pick the best answer, but you never know!

by Guest Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:47 am

How long after the end of the class did you take the real test? I am planning to take my test a day after the end of the last class.

Great Score!!!

by Sudhan Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:00 pm

That's a terrific score! I wish you good luck for your application process.
Did you take MGMAT tests after you completed the self study course?



by Dylan Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:02 pm

Congratulations on the wonderful score!

How was your pacing throughout the official GMAT? Did you use MGMAT’s timing strategy?