I had been preparing for GMAT for 3-4 months. I gave many mock tests and prepared a lot from multiple sources.I completed OG 13th edition, read Manhattan SC study guide, completed Advanced Quant Manhattan, read a lot of ebooks and pdf on different materials that I had and read a lot many things from this site. I gave the following tests and following were the scores I got in every mock test.
GMAT Prep 1---720 (Q:50, V:38)
GMAT Prep 2---720(Q:50, V:37)
Veritas Free Test---710 (Q:48, V:38)
Kaplan Free Test---730(Q:98%, V:66%)
Economist GMAT Tutor Free Test---700 (Q:49, V: 35)
GMAT Pill Free Test---690(Q:49, V:33)
Manhattan 6 practice tests--- 630, 650, 680, 690, 720, 750 (the last 2 I gave just 2 weeks before my preparation).
I gave my GMAT yesterday. This was my first attempt and I was pretty confident that I would score well as my preparation was quite good. My AWA, IR and quant section went well and I was happy with my time management and performance.
I couldn't solve the first verbal question (SC question) and marked a guess. After that, something happened and I lost confidence on every verbal question I was attempting. After my test, when the score came, I was shocked and left devastated. I scored a meager 620 (Q:50, V:25). I have never scored such a low score in any of my practice tests. I got 630 and 650 in first manhattan tests during the times when I had just started my preparation, but never had I scored so low after that. I couldn't believe my score after the level of effort I have put in and the level I achieved in the mock tests.
I am now a bit skeptic and totally confused about what happened and how to tackle this situation as I really want to go to a good business school.
My biggest fear is that even if I am able to score well in my next attempts, would this score remain a blemish on my admission processes??
My GPA is 4 and I have been working for the past almost 2 years.
I would be really obliged if the experts would comment on these fears and if they could help me.
Please if the experts would guide me how to plan for my next GMAT.
Thanks a lot in advance!!