Hi All,
Can someone please tell what is the difference between the following two questions and how to arrive at the answers of each ?
Q1) Six alphabets P,Q,R,S,T and U have to be arranged in six numbered positions(1-6). How many ways can you arrange them so that P is not in position numbered 3, Q is not in position numbered 5 and R is not in position numbered 6.
a) 714
b) 426
c) 240
d) 120
e) 252
OA = A.
Q2) Six alphabets P,Q,R,S,T and U have to be arranged in six numbered positions(1-6). How many ways can you arrange them so that neither P is in position numbered 3, nor Q is in position numbered 5 and nor R is in position numbered 6.
a) 714
b) 426
c) 240
d) 120
e) 252
OA = B.