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What is going wrong: Disappointed with performance

by rte.sushil Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:46 pm

I am disappointed with my results in GMAT took yesterday.

In last three attempts in 2 years, my score in verbal is : 27,23,23 with total score of 620,620,610.

Although i have gone through Manhattan SC , Manhattan test series, CR Bible, Official Guides etc., with all tips/strategies/important-points marked in notes but my score is not jumping above 30 in verbal. Moreover, i have no difficulty in understanding English passages ,articles etc. as English was the medium of studies through out.

I don't know whether scoring above 30 in verbal would remain as my dream:( . I don't understand what students , who score above 30-40 in verbal, do extra or what makes them distinguished.
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Re: What is going wrong: Disappointed with performance

by emilek375 Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:53 am


I just took my first GMAT. Actually im very disappointed. I got a 520 and a 29 en Math and 32 on verbal.

I dont understand what happened to me. Y mi last prep test from de GMAC software i got 690, and I was feeling very confident because i can solve almost every math problem.

When the math section srtated i kind of blanked, the first 3 questions I knew how to solve them but could do it there, and this happened a lot. After many questions that I just could hit the right score I started to get desperate and tried to guess. I was not nervous, I actually thought that this was normal and that by the end of the test i would get a 600 or plus.

On the verbal part i actually think i got many of the SC right , but with the pressure of time y couldn't think in de CR and started guessing or just selecting the least extreme language or concussive question,

I need advise please, because im really disappointed and sad, and i don't want to give up the idea of an MBA in one top school.