So I took GMAT today. I used OG 11 + Verbal and Quant Review, plus Kaplan 800 and MGMAT study guides + MGMAT CAT tests and GMAT Prep. I studies consistently for about 2 months ( 2 hrs on weeknights, 5 hrs on weekends). I took practice tests with results between 650-710. I was consistently scoring better on verbal (mid-high 80th %) than math (low-mid 70th %).
Today was D-day. I rested yesterday, went to bed early, had plenty of sleep, had good beakfast. AWA was ok, topics were not quite up my alley, but nothing scary. Took a break. Started quant, first Q was easy, 2nd threw me off a bit but I think I got it right in the end. About mid way through the exam ( around Q 20) I ran out of space, tried to get proctor's attention, to no awail. Tried three more times, eventually banging against the partition to get his attention ( sorry, guy who was sitting next to me, I wasn't sure what to do after I waved my hand, and waved the booklet).Finally a**hole came with new booklet. I def lost some time here, but finished the section in time.
Verbal, had three readings, one on some sort of black holes, which was pretty tough, other than that nothing that would strike me as particularly difficult. I had to guess one Q towards the end since I started running short on time. In the end I fininshed maybe 1 minute before the time was up.
I didn't think I did amazingly well, but I also didn't think I bombed it ( I thought maybe 660-690). Well, I did 620 (Q44 - 70%, V31-58%). WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED ???? This is lower than any of my practice scores. My quant was along the lines where I tested, but what happened with verbal ? I am pretty frustrated. I am going to re-take in a month, but the fact that I scored much higher on verbal on my practice exams than I did on actual test is disturbing. :shock:
Anybody has advice how to up my verbal ?