Hi All
I have a question regarding the verbal section scores and I would be glad if someone could shed some light on it.
A couple of weeks ago, I took a GMATPrep Practice test and got a 720 (48 Q, 38 V). I was really confused about my Verbal score. I have taken the MGMAT Practice tests and I did much better on the verbal section (I usually got 40-45), with 9-12 700 level questions being incorrect. In the GMATPrep test, I got 9 out of 41 verbal questions incorrect and they were not questions in the very end. The incorrect questions were scattered all over the section. Although GMATPrep does not reveal the difficulty level of these questions, I could tell that the ones I got wrong were certainly not easy or medium level questions. Do you happen to know why the GMATPrep verbal score is low? I feel that to meet the timing on this section, I would have to guess 2-3 difficult questions and there is always a possibility that I will get another 3-4 incorrect. Are there any tips you can give me to improve my verbal score?