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Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:21 pm


My test is currently scheduled for Feb 24th. I have completed the MGMAT course and currently scoring mid thirties in quant and low low thirties (or high twenties) for verbal leaving my overall score around a 530.. I really need to be closer to a 600. To be frank I am frustrated as I have taken the GMAT and scored a 530 after I had taken the MGMAT course...I was scoring mid 600s on the MGMAT CATS. What can I do in the next 24 days? My overall weakness is shared but perhaps more so CR anRC that are giving me a hard time...ANY ADVICE WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:23 pm

It's really important to try to figure out why your official test score dropped (compared to your practice test scores). Read this article and do the analysis described, then come back and tell us what you found out:

Also, because you took our course and the real test, you're eligible for a free Post-Exam Assessment. This is a phone call with an instructor to figure out what went wrong and come up with a plan to re-take the test. Send an email to right now and request the Post-Exam Assessment.

Two things:
(1) until we figure out WHY your score dropped, we can't confidently do much to fix the situation, so get started on the article and Assessment discussed above.
(2) once we figure out why, we can set up a study plan - but just be aware that, depending upon why, it may take longer than 24 days to get you to your goal.
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:39 pm

Hey Stacey,

I did have a post exam review and his result was that I had really focused on Manhattan Gmat questions and not enough on Official Gmat questions. I am thinking that maybe for the next 24 days I really just need to focus solely on Official problems? And maybe power prep? Let me know what you think? I really really nee need like 40 to 50 points ... is this realistic?

I do have anxiety though... I know that is an issue for me always has been

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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:36 pm

If that is the only thing that went wrong, then that's fine - but, if I were you, I'd read that article to make sure. Basically, if you scored in the same range as your practice test scores, then you'd be happy. We need to figure out every last reason why you did NOT match your practice test scores - if we don't figure that out, then we can't be confident that you're doing everything you need to do in order to avoid having another score drop.

As to whether it's realistic for you to see a 40-50 point score increase, very possibly, yes. But it really has to do with whether we can figure out why your score dropped so that we can make sure it doesn't happen again.

So start with that article, do the analysis thoroughly, and come back here and let me know what you think you found out.

Also, here are some other articles about stress management; read them and practice the techniques that you think might be useful for you:
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:10 pm

Hi Stacey,

I took a Gmat Prep test on Sunday and completed the entire test including essays. I received a 620 43(Q) and 33(V). My verbal is slowly improving and I feel as though on some of the questions I missed little things. The math I felt rather strong on and was only forced to totally guess on 5 or so of the questions. For verbal I tracked it....

for SC I got 10/17 correct
RC I got 12/13 correct
CR I got 5/11 correct.

That is the best I have ever done in RC however I have been working on it. I really need to apply this to CR. I am still really struggling here. I do also feel as though I can still improve in Verbal.....

My test is still scheduled for the 24th. I am also really working on staying relaxed during testing. I like the gmat prep tests because they are so close to the actual test. I think this helps. Let me know what you think!!!

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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:48 pm

Good! That's really encouraging. And wow - you absolutely nailed RC!

Yep, CR is the next thing on which to focus. You may want to take a look at this recent article about how to analyze CR problems:

Use that as a starting point to learn more about how to study / think about CR, then go back to your lessons and start picking these apart (a combination of the CR book, tapes of the classes, etc.). Also, were you better at some types of CR and worse at others? Start with the lowest areas first (among the main 4 question types - don't worry about the minor question types at this point).

If you were able to make this huge leap with RC, then you should be able to do it for CR, too - it's just going to take diligent practice / analysis! Good luck - let me know how things go.
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:54 pm

Hi Stacey,

Ok I just completed the second GMAT PREP test and received a 620 overall again... 31 (v) and 44(q)

I got 11/17 correct in SC which is just about where I was last test
RC I only received 6/13 correct which is a huge issue
CR 8/10 correct...

So my RC and CR sort of switched from the previous test. I think my strategy is to focus big time on RC and read articles finding the main point and assumptions. I think by doing this I can increase my accuracy and hopefully pull up my verbal closer to a 35... I would take a 35 at this point...I tried looking at old tests and what not on the MGMAT website but I couldn't find them. Any clues? Any new advice?
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:19 pm

Great! It's very good to know that you've solidified your current score range by taking another test and getting the same thing.

(Quick question: you are taking the tests under full official conditions, including essays and 8-min breaks, right? It's important to do this because any deviations from official conditions might give you an advantage that you couldn't replicate on test day.)

So, CR and RC performance flipped. I'm guessing that's because you spent a lot of time on RC before the first one and CR before the second one, right? So what we need to do is make sure that you're able to peak on BOTH areas at the same time, which means concentrating on both, not just RC. Every other day, switch off.

When you say you tried looking for old tests but couldn't find them, are you talking about your own old tests? Those are located on the same page where you start to take a new test - the tests you've taken are listed lower down on the same page. You can click on the results for each one in order to view the problems again. (If you have any technical problems, call 800.576.GMAT and ask for tech support or email for help.)

If you also want to do some general reading (on non-GMAT things), you can try:"Investigations"%20tab (This can get a bit too casual for the GMAT, but it's probably worth including if you don't like the science passages much.)

You might also just want to take a look at the difficulty levels of the questions that you answered on the last two tests - that might explain part of why your peformance "flipped." If CR happened to be harder on the first test and RC on the second one, then that would account for at least part of the flip.

Anyway, basically, what you've been doing is working, so keep doing it, but you need to do CR and RC simultaneously (well, alternating days) so that you can peak on these both at the same time.
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:17 pm

Hey Stacey,

That is exactly the plan I have been working on. I took a verbal 800 test last night and lot a 38 ..much better although I do feel as though their verbal questions are not the hardest however I was getting 32s on those tests two weeks ago.

I have been taking full GMAT tests including essays and breaks. I really tried to do that this time around to get a full idea of how I would test. I am nervous to take another one in between now and next Wed. What do you think? Think maybe Saturday take another one?

I have been really only focusing on Verbal... One day SC, the next day RC and CR, the following SC again with a small math review to keep it fresh. So it is pretty much verbal everyday with a little bit of math every third day. Let me know what you think about additional testing.

THanks for all your help
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:17 pm

I typically tell my students not to take a practice test within 5 days of the real test. The risks are too great. You might tire yourself out (you wouldn't run a practice marathon a few days before the real thing, right?). You might have a bit of a blip with a lower score and shake your confidence, but then you wouldn't have enough time to build your confidence back up again. Etc.

I'd keep up with the "something of everything" every day, with a general bias toward higher-level, more frequently tested stuff as you get closer to test day, as well as a general bias toward less study the closer you get to the test.

Take a look at The GMAT Uncovered - the free e-book that is in your student center (it was added about a month ago; you can find it under the Extras tab). There's a section (towards the end) with do's and don'ts for test day.

For those who don't already have an account with us, go here to get the book:

If it says you can't buy it because you've already signed up for a free test before, then log into your account - the book has already been added to your account.

Good luck!! Let us know how it goes.
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:42 pm


I took the test....... needless to say I was really not pleased. My score came back a 530 36(Q) 27(V). I was shocked..... This is not only lower than I expected but this is the exact same score I had when I took the test in Oct of 09. I have put in 25 hrs a week since then. Reviewed and practiced so much. My practice tests were in the 620 to 640 range. I was so so shocked

The schools I am applying to all have an average of around 600. I have taken this test three times now...... I am not sure if my score will improve any more. I know I have many strenghs on my resume that I will try and capitalize on. I will also try and really produce some great essays...and pray a WHOLE LOT. I know the GMAT is only one component of the admission process. I am just hoping someone is willing to give me a chance.......
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:36 pm

I'm sorry you're having such a tough time with this test. :(

If you're interested in trying again, then we can talk about that - let me know if that's what you want to do. (If you think you might want to do that, then the first thing you should do is go do the analysis in the "My Score Dropped" article that I linked to in an earlier post, above. Post your findings here.)

FYI - I'm about to leave for vacation and won't be back until March 8th. Someone else will be answering questions in this thread while I'm gone but I just wanted to let you know.

You may want to talk to an admissions consultant either to decide whether to take the test again or to decide how to handle the issue on your application (eg, do you say something? if so, what do you say?). I know at least one company (MBA Mission) offers a free initial consultation, so you may want to take advantage of that.
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by holmes.erin Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:09 pm


Thanks for the feedback. I am going to approach each admissions office and be rather straight forward. There is an option on one of the school's essay questions to add additional information and I may address it there....if they come back again and tell me I have to take it again...then so be it I guess

Have a good vacation
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Re: Verbal Improvement needed big time

by StaceyKoprince Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:12 pm

Good luck - I'm crossing my fingers for you.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum