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Using the Syllabus to study Reading Comprehension

by wschaeff Sat May 01, 2010 1:43 pm


I've been using the sample syllabus and the Manhattan GMAT Strategy guides to study on my own. I've found it to be very helpful, but I'm not sure how the syllabus is suggesting I use the RC strategy guide.

In session 4, the syllabus suggests "Reading Comprehension Guide: Chapters 1-3". I did the "In Action" problems at the end of each chapter here.

Then in session 5, I'm to complete "Reading Comprehension Guide (Complete Reading & In Actions) and then "Official Guide Problems: Reading Comprehension (Partial)."

Could someone please clarify what those last two assignments mean? Beyond this misunderstanding, I'm very pleased with how my preparation is going thanks to the sample syllabus and strategy guides.

Edit: I assume that "Complete Reading & In Actions" means to finish the study guide, so I've gone ahead and completed this. However, I have no idea how to break up the Official Guide Problems in sessions 5 and 6. Is there a recommended way to divide the 12th Ed. Official Review and 2nd Ed. Verbal Review? It seems to me as if there is an awful lot of work to complete in 2 weeks.

Please advise quickly. I'd like to keep my studying on track and I can't afford to lose much more time this week.
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Re: Using the Syllabus to study Reading Comprehension

by StaceyKoprince Mon May 31, 2010 2:02 pm

I'm sorry that you've waited so long for a reply - FYI, when you have questions like this about how to use the basic materials, give the office a call or send an email (800.576.GMAT or so that you don't have to wait too long for a reply. On the forums, you generally have to wait.

For those who might have similar questions, we explain in class (but not on the syllabus itself) that students should do some questions right away but also save some for additional review throughout the course and after the course is over. Do enough that you feel you are making progress in that area, then move on to something new. Circle back around a week later, two weeks later, etc, to do more practice and continue to build your skills.

Also, note that the OG RC passages typically give between 5 and 9 questions for each passage - many more questions than you'll ever see for one passage on the real test. Don't do all of the questions at once. Do only half (every other one). Then, in a month or so when you've mostly forgotten the passage, you can do it again with the other questions.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum