by RonPurewal Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:48 am
welcome to the forum, but, there are several issues with the way you've posted this.
first... this is a GMAT forum. even if you're posting in the "general verbal" or "general math" folder, you should still be able to quote at least one problem from a GMAT-related source as a basis for your question.
this is ESPECIALLY important in SC, since GMAT SC tests no more than 1 or 2 percent of the things that could potentially go wrong with an english sentence (...and those numbers are probably OVERestimates!). so, if you have a random question that's not substantiated by GMAT problems, then, most likely, it's going to be irrelevant to the exam., this thread is now locked. if you have a problem(s) to substantiate this question, then, please post your question ALONG WITH THE PROBLEM(S) in the appropriate folder(s).
beyond that, this question doesn't make sense anyway. you're nominally asking about "verbs" -- but, clearly, decision and decisions are not verbs., if you do re-post this question (with a problem to serve as the basis for your question), you should definitely double-check the specifics.