Verbal problems from the *free* official practice tests and
problems from

two versions of GMAt prep

by Guest Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:14 pm

There are two different versions of this question on gmat prep.
For 1st one OA is A and for second one OA is D.
See the questions below.
In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology through her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and through her painstaking documentation of East African cave paintings.
A. Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology through her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and through her painstaking documentation of
B. Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting
C. Mary Leakey was a contributor to archaeology by discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of
D. Mary Leakey's contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting
E. Mary Leakey's contributions to archaeology include her discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstaking documentation of

In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.
A. Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting
B. Leakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and by painstakingly documenting
C. Leakey was a contributor to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of
D. Leakey’s contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and her painstaking documentation of
E. Leakey’s contributions to archaeology include her discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstaking documentation of

Now both the in one questions have different one Mary Leakey and in one Mary Leakey's contribution.........can someone explain.

by Guest Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:56 am

can someone please explain

by Guest Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:28 pm

I dont think #2 has the right answer. There is no reference to Mary.... Check Possessive Poision in the SC guide.

by Ashish Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:35 pm

The answers posted in original post are correct. Could anyone justify the answers? I have encountered these answers while solving GMAT PREP
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by JonathanSchneider Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:46 am

Interesting set of problems. For the first one, you can eliminate D and E because of the redundancy of the word "includes." Why say this after already saying "in addition to..."?

You bring up an interesting point about the modifiers. It comes to this: must we read "in addition to..." as a noun modifier? But this is not so much a modifier as it is a comparison, no? "In addition to" sets up an X and a Y. I prefer the correct version in the second sentence because we have comparable elements in that case. However, I suppose it is possible to read "in addition to" in the first version as not setting up a stark comparison, but simply, as you say, setting up a modifier. However, it would be an adverbial modifier rather than a noun modifier. As a result, it is the fact that she worked (this whole clause) that we are describing, meaning there is nothing wrong with "A." Very tricky.
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by mcmebk Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:53 am

JonathanSchneider Wrote:Interesting set of problems. For the first one, you can eliminate D and E because of the redundancy of the word "includes." Why say this after already saying "in addition to..."?

You bring up an interesting point about the modifiers. It comes to this: must we read "in addition to..." as a noun modifier? But this is not so much a modifier as it is a comparison, no? "In addition to" sets up an X and a Y. I prefer the correct version in the second sentence because we have comparable elements in that case. However, I suppose it is possible to read "in addition to" in the first version as not setting up a stark comparison, but simply, as you say, setting up a modifier. However, it would be an adverbial modifier rather than a noun modifier. As a result, it is the fact that she worked (this whole clause) that we are describing, meaning there is nothing wrong with "A." Very tricky.

Sorry for bumping up this old post.

There seems to be some conflicting explanations for question 1 and 2. If it is redundant to say "include" after "In addition to", why would D be the correct answer in question 2?

Secondly, Stacy explained for question 2 that It is necessary to start with "Mary Leakey's contribution" because the opening clauses is "In addition to her work", Stacy used this example:

In addition to food, the mother's contributions to her child include shelter and love.
The mother's contributions to her child include food, shelter, and love.

Perhaps one of these two questions is not an official Prep question?

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Re: Re:

by RonPurewal Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:39 am

yeah, i'd like to see proof of the first version; i have my doubts about whether it's official.

the second one is clearly legitimate, as is Stacey's explanation; pay attention to that one.