by AsadA969 Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:03 am
Medieval monks, through their manuscript illuminations, meticulously embellishing the elaborate calligraphy, communicated their interpretive understanding of the texts they illustrated.
A) Medieval monks, through their manuscript illuminations, meticulously embellishing the elaborate calligraphy, communicated
B) Through their manuscript illuminations, meticulously embellishing the elaborate calligraphy, medieval monks communicated
C) Through their manuscript illuminations, with which they meticulously embellished elaborate calligraphy, medieval monks communicated
D) Meticulously embellishing the elaborate calligraphy, medieval monks, through their manuscript illuminations communicated
E) Medieval monks, through their manuscript illuminations, meticulously embellished them and communicated
In this problem:
Through their manuscript illuminations---an adverbial modifier.
meticulously embellishing the elaborate calligraphy---also an adverbial modifier.
Medieval monks----Noun (Something).
Option B is not correct because these two modifiers modify Medieval monks at a time. The logic is: the two modifier can't modify a noun (something) at a time. Is the logic perfectly fine?
Could you please give me another logic for what Option B can't be an actual answer of this question?