We do have tutoring, but it is very expensive, yes. We also have classes, usually with a max of 20 people in-person (though it depends on location) and 25 on-line (on-line classes always have 2 teachers in the room if there are more than about 10-12 students signed up).
You can find tutoring details here:
http://www.manhattangmat.com/gmat-prep-tutoring.cfmFor regular classes, go to our site and click on Prep Programs (I'm not giving you a link because what you see depends on your physical location... and you probably don't live where I do, so my link will show you the wrong things!).
Finally, I edited your post to remove the name of the other company you mentioned - we don't actually host discussions of other companies and their products or services. :) If you do want to discuss various options available from different companies, I would recommend going to Beat the GMAT or GMATClub and talking with fellow students. Good luck!