Questions about the world of GMAT Math from other sources and general math related questions.

tricky tricky exponent problem

by sundaynight Sun May 04, 2008 10:00 pm

Here is a tricky problem that I saw on GMAT Prep

C = 2 ^ 25

R = C ^ C

What does R = ?

by Pathik Mon May 05, 2008 1:08 am

Could you post the chocies please


I can't remember

by sundaynight Mon May 05, 2008 8:01 am

It is actually a concept I saw on an actual GMAT. I changed the variables and the numbers to comply with the rules of this site.

Just want to know how to do it.

by Guest Mon May 12, 2008 4:06 am

C = 2^25
R = C^C
I can't do this on Windows XP Home edition because the answer is too large.
We could make the problem a lot simpler if we change 25 to 3. That should not change the process for solving.
C = 2^3
R = C^C

C = 2^3 = 8
R = C^C =8^8 = 16,777,216

This seems to easy. Don't trust the answer until a moderator or someone who knows what they are doing, checks it.
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Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:25 am

by rfernandez Thu May 15, 2008 7:41 pm

We appreciate your efforts to follow our forum's guidelines.

Would love to help you with this problem, but this appears to be a number properties problem where the correct solution depends greatly on how the answer choices are expressed. Without those, it's hard to know which path to take.
