This problem is from the MGMAT phone app flash cards. Card #60 in the Number Properties category.
Trailing Zeros are the zeros at the end of a number (e.g., 35,400 has two Trailing Zeros, 7,000 has three Trailing Zeros, and 458 has none). How many Trailing Zerso does 15! have?
Answer: 3
The first hurdle is to determine what causes Trailing Zeros in a number. Multiplication by 10 adds one zero to the end of a number, multiplication by 100 (or two 10's) adds two zeros to the end, multiplication by 1,000 (or 3 10's) adds three zeros to the end, and so on.
15! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12 x 13 x 13 x 15
There is a 10 in the product so that would be one Trailing Zero, but are there any other 10's? A 10 comes from any combination of a 5 and a 2; there are lots of 2's in 15!, but there are only three multiples of 5: 5, 10 (2x5), and 15 (3x5). This means that there are only three 10's in the product of 15!, so there will b three Trailing Zeros.
My Question:
Why are there only 3 10's? It looks like I would get pairs of 10 from the following:
2 x 5
15 - I would get 3 5's from 15, and find 2 2's from 4, and a 2 from 14
I would think that the answer is 5 Trailing Zeros?
Thank-you for your help in advance!