
The smoke has cleared, the test has come and gone. Feel free to share your experiences with your peers.
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by surajmohan2001 Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:44 pm

I had to take GMAt cause my earlier score from a test taken in 2005 had expired. I had 720 then. for stats sake, I am 36 years old with 12 yrs work ex

Below you can see my 5 manhattan Cat scores. took over a period of mostly one month. From 8 Nov it showed progressive depreciation. from 590 on Nov 8 it came to 580 on 26 Nov, 540 on 4th Dec and 520 on 11 Dec 2013. I didnt have the heart to take the rest.

All these were taken under almost ideal test conditions, locked up in a room with no disturbance and keeping the time limits. I didnt bother with essays in most tests.

With my scores permanently stuck in the five hundreds I was turning into a nervous wreck.

Scores from official GMAT prep showed 660 on Nov 25 and 690 on Dec 29

Section Score Estimated Percentile Problem List
Integrated Reasoning 2.4
Quant 32 30%
Verbal 29 54%
Total 520 38%

Integrated Reasoning 4.5
Quant 32 30%
Verbal 33 67%
Total 540 44%


Integrated Reasoning 3.1
Quant 37 44%
Verbal 33 67%
Total 580 56%

Argument essay - -
Quant 35 36%
Verbal 35 74%
Total 590 59%

With score levels as low as this, I kept on going back to material and studying perceived weak areas. I also had to write essays for 4 colleges for the 2nd deadlines in Jan 8-9 2014.

Come D Day I am close to getting palpitations and was already making plans to retake if things went wrong.

in Manhattan CAt I was never able to complete the IR. I mean not even till the 10th Q. In actual GMAt I did 11 and randomly picked an answer for 12th

Quant appeared so easy in the GMAT that I was resigned to giving up on applications this year. but still I went along.

Verbal was neither easy nor tough.. and then came the score.. good old 720 :)

IR - 8 [93 percentile]
Quant- 49 [81 percentile]
Verbal- 39 [88 percentile]

total 720 [94 percentile]

Am I happy ? NO
but certainly relieved. atleast from the incorrect indicators which left me quite worried.

But I feel that if the CATs were a wee bit more representative, I may have been able to concentrate a bit more on other areas other than quant which was showing 30 percentile ranking in manhattan tests
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:32 pm

Re: :(

by surajmohan2001 Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:56 pm

Anyways I wanted to add my 800 score tests which I took during the same period, this to the above post..

Atleast the scores were more closer... so were the toughness levels more so in Quant though verbal was not too easier than real one either.

800 Score

Integrated Reasoning 10
Quant 39
Verbal 38
Total 640

Integrated Reasoning 8
Quant 39
Verbal 45
Total 690

Integrated Reasoning 7
Quant 42
Verbal 34
Total 630