Yesterday I took the GMAT and got a 550 (Q/35, V/31).
My first attempt at the GMAT was a year ago and I got a 520.
I took a Manhattan GMAT class and have been studying for 3 months pretty hard core.
On the Manhattan GMAT tests I was scoring between 520-590. On my last MG test I scored a 590 (Q/41, V/31).
To credit MG, I did improve my score from the first MG test of a 490 (Q/26, V/32).
I'm disappointed to say the least.
I was planning on applying to the following:
Kellogg (part time)
Loyola Chicago
Boston College
GPA 3.0, Liberal Arts at a solid State University
Sr. Credit Analyst for major fortune 500 corp
Work experience 8 years
Any advice?