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took test yesterday - 650 :(

by ashish Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:31 am

Hi all,
I took test yesterday but got a pathetic score of 650 (Q50, V27).
I was not doing that bad while preparing. My practice test scores were,
MGMAT free test - 670
MGMAT first test - 660
MGMAT second test - 660
GMAT Prep 1st test - 700
MGMAT third test - 720
GMAT Prep 2nd test - 720
MGMAT fourth test - 690
GMAT Prep 1st test (2) - 740
MGMAT fifth test - 750

Other than these tests I had done usual OG stuff and verbal sets, where on an average I was scoring 30/41.
While doing test, I could see that no tough questions were coming. No SC was more than 2 liner. That means I was making mistakes in simple questions.

After coming from test I was trying to analyze what really went wrong. The reason I could understand I was lacking in basic verbal skills. The kind of questions I had practiced were never asked. No SCs with peculiar idioms/modification errors or other tougher things which we normally prepare for. Until and unless I would have cracked those easy questions, I was not supposed to see the ones I was prepared for.

I don't know if I am correct. I need to know some explanation to improve my score.

The biggest problem is how to prepare again. I have exhausted most of the material people refer to.

Please help.

by Diablo Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:43 pm

I would hardly consider 650 "pathetic." There are those of us who initially scored considerably lower.

Good luck breaking 700s in the future.