DianaG875 Wrote: Can someone please explain the algebraic approach and how this formula was created: x+2y+3z = 1.5(x+y+z)?
Hi DianaG875!
Great question - the equation you see is actually a step or two after the initial equation I would have created, so it might help you to see how I would have initially translated this problem! Also, I think the language of "grade" here is a little confusing, and so I'm going to exchange it with the more appropriate word (that I think the GMAT is more likely to use) = "concentration." The idea is that each of these milks has a different concentration of fat, and the combined result is yet another different concentration. This is a somewhat classic mixtures problem (just with 3 inputs rather than 2).
Three concentrations of milk are 1 percent, 2 percent, and 3 percent fat by volume. If x gallons of the 1 percent concentration...
In other words, in x gallons of milk, the concentration of fat is 1% of those x gallons. So if x happened to be 250 gallons, then the x total gallons of liquid would contain 1%(250) or 0.01(250) = 2.5 gallons of fat.
If x gallons of the 1 percent concentration, y gallons of the 2% concentration, and z gallons of the 3% concentration are mixed to give x+y+z gallons of a 1.5 percent concentration
It likely makes sense that if you add together x, y, and z gallons of milk, the total volume of milk would be x + y + z. But this sentence talks about adding up to a new concentration of fat. From the math above, the amount of fat in the x gallons of milk would be 0.01x, while the amount of fat in y would be 0.02y, and the amount in z would be 0.03z. The amount of fat in the total is 1.5% or 0.015(Total) = 0.015(x + y + z). So if the 3 milks are combined, the sum of the fat from each should equal the total fat in the mixture!
0.01x + 0.02y + 0.03z = 0.015(x + y + z) <--- this is the original equation I would have written on my paper!
From here, I'd actually multiply everything by 1000 to get rid of all of the decimals (but to get the equation you asked about, multiply through by 100):
by 100: 1x + 2y + 3z = 1.5(x + y +z)
by 1000: 10x + 20y + 30z = 15(x + y + z)
I hope this helps!
