I'm not an instructor but I'll give it a shot:
vrajesh.dave Wrote:A two of them with two thirds of its area
B two thirds of their area being in two of them
C and its area is two thirds in two islands
D two of them have two thirds of its area
E which have two thirds of its area in two of them
B-Incorrect usage of Being
C-what does its refer to? Also it appears to be a run on because of the word
IS right in the second part of the sentence.
D-two of them have two thirds of its area -Consturction is awkward.The original statement is implying that the area of these 2 islands is two-third of the total area.D Also appears to be a run on construction as the second clause exists per se.
E-"Which" incorrectly refers to Islands, although it should refer Republic of the Philippines(because the Philipines has two thirds of its area in the two islands)
Hence A is correct ( Even though I do not notice any grammatical mistake in D(Leaving apart the style and run on scenario).
PS:MGMAT Tutors,Kindly let me know if I am identifying the Run On's properly?