AliciaZhou Wrote:In this way, can I write the answer D like this?
The investigations of many psychologists and anthropologists support that there is little generalization that is significantly different in the underlying mental processes manifested by people from different cultures.
If it is wrong, explain why,pls
Thanks in advance
well, that may possibly be a sentence from the standpoint of pure grammar -- i.e., if you simply don't think at all about what the sentence
means -- but it's a nonsense sentence.
in other words, this sentence may be some sort of purely grammatical construct, but it doesn't really have a meaning -- and, moreover, i can't actually tell what it is
supposed to mean.
what meaning did you intend here?
also -- i think this is rather unlikely, but i may as well address the possibility:
it may be the case that you were simply rearranging the words of this sentence at random -- in other words, just trying to create some sort of purely grammatical construction, without actually thinking about what it means.
if that *is* what you were trying to do (i assume it isn't, but just making sure), then it's really not a good idea; it's impossible to separate right and wrong from the meaning of a sentence, so it's likewise impossible to say whether a sentence that is basically a random cluster of words is "correct".
for instance,
the dog ran down the street is a sentence; it is grammatically correct, and it actually means something.
if you change this sentence to
the street ran down the dog, then you could make a case that it's still a grammatical sentence -- but it clearly doesn't mean anything anymore, so it's now incorrect.