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Re: The Environmental Protection Agency frequently puts mandator

by morningdew123 Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:19 am

Hi Ron,

Could you please shed some light on the difference between A) one in a million chances B) one chance in a million?

Or is it the case that they are grammatically equivalent but what makes them incorrect or incorrect is the succeeding part that is to cause, which modifies million chances, and for causing, which modifies one chance (although I dont know how).

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Re: The Environmental Protection Agency frequently puts mandator

by RonPurewal Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:42 am

morningdew123 Wrote:Hi Ron,

Could you please shed some light on the difference between A) one in a million chances B) one chance in a million?

Or is it the case that they are grammatically equivalent but what makes them incorrect or incorrect is the succeeding part that is to cause, which modifies million chances, and for causing, which modifies one chance (although I dont know how).


both of these issues are among the kinds of idioms that GMAC isn't testing anymore. see here: ... -the-gmac/