by thanghnvn Sun May 04, 2014 11:25 pm
The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.
A. both dating
B. both of which have dated
C. and each has dated
D. and each one dating
E. each one of which date
from prep
what I want to say is that there is a big difference between A and B. this difference is an important and hard point.
in A, "both dating" modifies the main clause though this phrase refers to the "communities". we can think that "both dating..." is both adjective and adverb. this kind of phrase is very popular in writen english. though some persons think this kind of phrase is adjective phrase, it is not.
all of us know the pattern "comma+doing". this phrase is similar to "both dating..." in our sentence
I learn gmat, making my thingking better.
"making my..." refers to "I" and modifies the main clause. like choice A, this phrase refers to a specific noun and modifies the whole main clause.
the difference between choice A and the sentence " I learn gmat..." is that in choice A, "both dating" refer to "communities" which is not subject of the main clause while in the sentence "I learn gmat..." , "making my..." refers to the subject of main clause. the similarity between the two phrases is that they refer to a noun and in parallel, modify the main clause.
in B, "both of which have..." modifies only the "communities" . the fuction of this phrase is quite difference. this phrase is like adjective.
the intended meaning is the meaning in choice A. we need an adverb phrase to show the reason for the main clause.