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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:51 am

Thanks RON

by harpreet1205 Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:01 pm

Hello Ron,

Ron I'd like to really thank you for helping me and thousand others out there.I can't really thank you enough for the support you have been providing. I really admire the way you teach. I always thought that I'd score 700+ and will write one big post to appreciate you but I guess that is not going to happen as I am applying with the score(660) I have achieved.So I though its better to write a post than write none. I have been your student though not a course student but I have joined Thursday study halls and viewed several archived video of yours.Though I haven't scored great but whatever improvement I made in verbal specially has been because of you.Also I know this is not a forum for sending thank you notes but I had wanted to appreciate you in front of everyone.Really you have been a great mentor and I am sure lot many students of yours would feel the same.

And manhattan team congrats for really having an asset. :)
