I took my GMAT about two weeks ago and scored 730 with perfect score on quant. While I hoped to get a higher score but looking back how messy I could be on the test, I am grateful to what I got and appreciate MGMAT's help!
I attended the first free class led by Liz. Her class was very clearly structured and her expanation on problems was sharp and right to the point. I stayed focus most time even if I couldn't sit over 20-30 mins back then after a car accident injury. I was very impressed by the class and signed up for the self-study plan. I also appreciate Liz for her help and insightful comments on my stuck situation later in my study while I consulted her but was not her student.
In my later study, I decided to have a private tutor. I hope I made that decision much earlier in my study and therefore could have much shortened my study length and possibly got a higher score.
I was lucky to have Ron as my tutor. In retrospect, I hope I listened to his every word and truly understood those. I ignored many of his instructions and homework assignments and thought I could get by or I were smart and heard him. Only after I saw the real test, I wish I could do everything again.
Ron is great, not only because his explanation to the specific problems, his instruction on topic areas, his theory of test, his guide on my study, etc, but also because his engagement to help me and his involvement in my study. He was often fully booked but squeezed time to tutor me, and timely wrote me very clear and detailed emails, even out of the tutoring session, to my questions.
I was actually kind of reluctant to learn the quant backup methods Ron tried to teach me. I only felt so lucky on my test that I applied those methods. I was late for more than 4 mins on my quant section. While I told myself "no big deal", I guess deep down my mind I was worried -- during the test, I never got the smoothy '51' feeling I had on my preps. I didn't feel my mind was working but just my hand was writing and drawing. While I cried for my 730 after the test :), I am now happier with my score than getting a 750 with a non-perfect quant. I feel so grateful, thankful and lucky have GMAT done like this! It was a great experience to study with Ron, truly indeed! He is respectable and super insightful!
Overall, MGMAT is a great team! I also had help from Stacey, Brian at the office, and other tutors during the course of study. They all great! Thank you all!