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Thank you MGMAT, and should I take it again?

by coheny Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:50 pm

Got back from the test center a few hours ago. 750 (98%)!! 47V (99%)/ 47Q (78%). I jumped out of my seat when I saw the score. Luckily I was the only remaining test taker in the room, and so didn't disturb anyone. I noticed the proctor laughing at me, but I didn't mind.

Thank you to Mike Kim, who is an awesome instructor. I will recommend MGMAT to everyone I know.

One question though - I'm planning on applying to top 10 schools, and my quant didn't manage to break the 80% barrier. Truth is I haven't been doing much better on practice exams, so I don't think I will get much better in quant. My undergrad GPA is 3.5 (upward trending) from a top 30 national university, but I have a couple of Bs in higher level quant classes. Do you think I need to retake the exam to improve the quant score?

Thanks again for all your help with the GMAT, I never would have done so well without your help.