I just got home from the test center. Finished the GMAT with a 780 (51 Q, 47 V). I oud like to sincerely thank everyone on the forums. Especially Ron and Stacy or their help with the questions. Manhattan GMAT is far and away the most representative material I have found on the internet. My initial quant experience was a gut punch but it served the purpose I think, Got me out of the general complacency I had for the quant section. I took the 2 hour quest for 750 Adv Quant and the sentence correction classes. My sincere thanks to Stacy, Dan, Eric and Brent for a great 2 hours, both times. Here is a preview of the scores ( I am leaving test scores from a competitor that I found seriously lacking in the verbal section).
MGMAT CAT1 10/11/2007 - 630 (Didn't finish the QUANT, And that left a bad hangover during the verbal)
MGMAT CAT2 10/12/2007 - 730
MGMAT CAT3 10/17/2007 - 730
MGMAT CAT4 10/24/2007 - 760
MGMAT CAT5 11/1/2007 - 780
MGMAT CAT6 11/11/2007 - 750
If you notice the scores progressively get better (except the last one, where the trash truck in my building interrupted my verbal section), but that might also be due to the fact that the questions did get easier. My Gprep scores are listed below:
GPrep 1 - 3 weeks before - 760 (49Q - Was surprised I had made 11 mistakes on quant realised what MGMAT seems to stress, It isnt just the quantity of the questions you get right, Its also the quality. 47V- Realization 2. Doing well on the verbal section can do wonders to your score)
GPrep 2 - 6 days before - 780 (50Q, 49V - This was a dream Verbal performance. I only got 1 SC and 1 CR wrong!! Totally in the zone - the pessimist in me convinced me that there is no way I could repeat this in the actual test.)
GPrep 3 - 770 lots of repeats took this score with a bag of salt.
I really owe the MGMAT team sincere thanks. I lovethe stop watch tool by the way. Used it for ll the OG practise. Did nearly seventy of those sets TIMED and the stopwatch made that easy and convenient to kep track of errors by creating a downloadable excel format. All in all I would definitely recommend that people stick to Manhattan in terms of test prep companies. I couldve saved myself a couple of bucks overthe past 5 weeks if I could go back in time.