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Target GMAT Score for good Biz schools?

by Trying: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:33 pm


I'd like to know a bit about my chances in various programs, and the score that I should be aiming at.

A little background:
I hold a bachelors and masters in computer sciences. Finished my schooling in India though.

While I was studying on my masters, I had to take time out to join a part time job (which eventually turned into full-time) and therefore I had to work and go to college leaving me no time for extra-c activities.

Anyway, I managed to get a ~3.5 GPA in my masters, slightly shy of what I got during my bachelors; but I had a ticket to fly to the US and implement a project I had worked on while I was still in college (this was at a large Fortune 100 Software Manufacturers office in the US). I was employed full time by one of their outsource partners and therefore managed to work for them for the next 2 years. I have letters of reco. from the director of engineering there

Down the line since then (May '01) I have been working, but since my degree was in CS, I was affilited to that stream until 05.

I have always had more inclination towards the management branch although I excelled in CS, and so I spoke to my employer in late '05 and started part timing on sales of a software which was still in its infancy and was not productized yet.

In these past 3 years, I have helped it grom from that in-house project to a 1000+ installation (many at various fortune 100 locations) and have been instrumental in making that company profitable. Our revenues are under 5 MM though, but I am the only person selling full-time and marketing the software. Rest all including the CEO has only part-time focus.

Now I have a few questions:

1) Will my drastic move from Software to Sales affect my chances in any way?

2) Will the fact that I also worked while in School cause me any problems?

3) Is this whole productizing and sales going to work well?

4) Due to my core focus on my work and the extra efforts I had to put in to move into a new field, I could really not focus on any extra-c activities. Will that affect my chances?

Essentially, I want to get into the Top 10 Business Schools, my focus is marketing and Enterpreneurship

I am aiming for a 700+ score and will take GMAT next month. (I am working with MGMT on it :) )

What is the minimum score I should be aiming for if I do need to get into these schools?

Thanks in advance and will really appreciate all help from you.

by MBAApply Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:59 pm

To answer your questions:

(1) No. Why would it?

(2) No. Why would it?

(3) Not sure what you're talking about.

(4) Maybe. What's most important is showing that you are a well rounded person (not just a math geek). If you can show that interpersonal skills is a huge part of your job, then extracurriculars is less important.

And yes, you realistically need a 700+ to stay competitive given your profile for the top schools.

Alex Chu