Hi Stacey,
I am a former Manhattan GMAT student kindly asking for study advice. I am stuck and not sure which direction to go from here.
I restarted studying late December 2017 and ideally I will take the official test late April.
When I resumed studying in December I used the old syllabus and followed it rigorously going through the MGMAT study books and the OG problems assigned.
My first MCAT on 1/8/17 was 550 (no IR, no Essay.) I thought this was a decent start point because I am trying to improve my score to around 650. After 7 weeks of studying I took my second MCAT on 2/26/2017 and scored the same 550 (with IR, no Essay.) This felt disappointing after the numerous early morning and late evening hours of study.
After the second MCAT I started reading the blog looking for advice and direction. I read your articles about making business decisions on answering GMAT questions and the 4 steps to get most out my CATs. Would you please glance over my below findings and correct/add to my conclusions?
Link to CAT2 data
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
1. “Correct / Incorrect” Column
- String of 5 wrong questions (#30-#34). For the first one I guessed (0:11.) At a first glance, it seemed to be a tough problem. In reality it was a 500-600 level problem that I can solve in two minutes. The second problem was 700-800 level and I tackled it, spent 4:18 (Stubborn) on it and got it wrong. Third and fourth 700-800 (1:46), 600-700 (1:36) were incorrect. I need to investigate why I got these wrong (content / strategy / careless?) On the fifth problem, 700-800m level, I guessed because I wanted to get back on track timing wise.
2. “Cumulative vs Target Cumulative” Column
#5 spent 4:34 (600-700) and I got it wrong
#19 spent 5:32 (600-700) and got it wrong
After #19 the Cum. vs Tgt. Cum was off by 4:41 mins and I was trying to get back on track. I guessed on the next one, but was still off by 3 mins. Felt pressured by the time and was trying to make up for the lost time earlier by working faster.
3. "Time" column
- I exhibit an imbalance on individual problems. On some I am too slow on others too fast because I am trying to make up and balance the individual time.
"Too fast" 8 questions (5 guesses-ranging from 0:11-0:35, I was lucky and chose a correct answer on one of them; 3 correct in total)
"Too slow" (2m30s – 3m) 2 questions (2 correct)
"WAAAY too slow" >3min: 5 questions (2 correct)
I have 5 questions over 3 mins, with the last 3 blowing up my timing completely: 4:18, 4:34, 5:23
I have a "large timing problem" on the Quant section.
1. “Correct / Incorrect” Column
2 strings of 4 and 2 strings of 3 wrong questions.
1st string of 4 (1SC/3RC). 2nd string of 4 (1SC/1CR/2RC)
Timing on these strings looks fine. The difficulty on them looks mixed with half of them probably over my skills.
2. “Cumulative vs Target Cumulative” Column
I am too slow, 3+ mins, 2 times during the test. RC and CR take most of the extra time that I spend.
3. "Time" column
Too fast – CR 5 questions. SC 1 question
RC general 2 questions
Warning track – CR 4 questions
SC 5 questions
RC looks ok
Way too slow – CR 2 questions
SC 5 questions
RC 1 question
I conclude that I have a bigger timing problem for the quant section compared to the verbal section.
The next steps:
1. Use the method you recommended in your article to review the CAT problems.
2. I will work on my timing problem with timed OG sets (5-10 questions.) Are there any other exercises that you recommend in order to get more practice with the timing issue? Sometimes I feel that 2 minutes for CR is not even enough to read the question, text and answers.
3. Analyze CAT 1 & 2 to understand my weak content areas.
Also, if you have any advice for structure on how to study, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my long post, for writing really valuable advice in your articles and for helping me out with my GMAT studies.
Kind regards,