Hi All,
I took the gmat yesterday. And to be concise(as the sentence correction commands...), my experience well below what I expected.
I scored a miserable 36 in quant and a no more enviable 25 in verbal.
Contrary to these poor scores, my prep scores were consistently above 660 in GMAT prep.
I may be wrong in thinking that the GMAT is the repetioon of patterns already well mastered and their application to a couple of new situations. If so, I'm completly out of the mark. Nonetheless, I think that it virtually impossible to score above 40 with the current prep material (OG 10, 11, MBA prep) for GMAC must have completely renewed the pool of questions.
My question is the following: is it possible to reach a 49 on the real thing with the current prep material?If anything, I should thank MGMAT for it allowed me to litterally have a "bottle opener" for each MBA prep question.
The verbal is still a mystery for me... (as far as my score on the GMAT is concerned) :).
I consistently repeated patterns with MGMAT SC guide, POWERSCORE CR bible and was at hit rate of near 80% for most high scoring questions. My last verbal score was 38 on MBA Prep, 3 days before the test.
I kept the same type guidance throughout of the test. And I was not tired during the real thing.
This was my 3rd attempt to a mountain called "GMAT".
I know I have the potential to reach the 700 barrier. I may need either in-depth coaching or more fresh prep materials.
Sorry for this long post, but I needed to give as many details as possible.
I precise I'm not a native.
Thanks a lot for answering!