Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Should I take gmat for the 4th time

by Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:35 am

I had disastrous experience in the last official gmat I took and other 2 wasn't any better.

Here are my scores of the official 3 gmat

3rd official GMAT :
530 verbal: 20(29%) quats: 44 (69%)

oct 2008
2nd official GMAT :
550 verbal: 23(29%) quats: 43 (68%)

July 2008
1st official GMAT :
580 verbal: 24(35%) quats: 47 (81%)

Particularly, for my 3rd gmat exam I had prepared extensively for 6 months and I used to score on 630 on an average

my 6 MGMAT mgmat test for your reference


MGMAT score 6: 660 verbal: 34 (72%) quats: 46 (79%)
Date: 9/22/2009
MGMAT score 5: 700 verbal: 40 (91%) quats: 45 (77%)
Date: 9/22/2009
MGMAT score 4: 570 verbal: 30 (59%) quats: 30 (57%)
MGMAT score 3: 620 verbal: 33 (69%) quats: 42 (66%)

All essays were completed for the above MGMAT tets

The gmat prep test took just a week before the official test:

gmat prep 1: 570 verbal 25 quant: 42
gmat prep 1: 640 verbal 35 quant: 44

Can you please suggest me when I should take another gmat test? if i should have to, what is the optimal length to study, i don't know what is going wrong with my verbal, is there anything fundamentally wrong? if so how to correct it.

By taking the GMAT for 4th time, will it affect my application process anyhow. I'm feeling very low now. I hope your suggestions will help me to deal with my disastrous performance and lift my morale
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Should I take gmat for the 4th time

by StaceyKoprince Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:24 pm

How have you been studying so far? It may be that you need to do something differently to figure out what's been going wrong. (eg, if you've been studying on your own, perhaps you need the help of an instructor, via a class or tutoring, to help diagnose your weaknesses and correct them)

Your practice scores show a lot of variability - for instance, the verbal goes from 59th percentile all the way up to 91st percentile. Do you have any idea why? Did you do the tests all in one sitting? Did you NEVER use the pause button? Did you take them at the same time of day? Did you have any timing issues? (If so, please describe in detail.)

The fact that your practice scores are so variable is a red flag. Something's going on to cause that variability and until you figure out what that is and stop it, you can't prevent your score from dropping on the real test.

Take a look at this article for some ideas on how to figure out what went wrong and then come back and let us know what you've discovered:
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum