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Should I rule out Neg and 0 in this DS question?

by jackiesong83 Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:13 pm

If X, Y and Z are three integers, are they consecutive integers?
1. z=x+2
2. None of the three integers are multiples of 3.

Statement 1) clearly is insufficient. With Statement 2) am I supposed to rule out negative integer and 0 possibilities? For instance, -2, -1, 0 would be yes (none of the three integers are multiples of 3 and they are consecutive), but 4, 7, 8 would be no. Since the question does NOT indicate that they are positive integers, how am I supposed to know that the rule (in any set of 3 consecutive integers, one of three will be a multiple of 3) applies?

The answer is supposed to be B. Any advice?
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Re: Should I rule out Neg and 0 in this DS question?

by rajkapoor Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:43 am

in a series of three consecutive integers, one of them has to be a multiple of 3.

the error you made was not to consider zero as a multiple of 3.
"Zero is a multiple of every number"

(simply put , to be a multiple , the number should leave a remainder of 0 when divided by 3 and Zero does that )
i ask so i can answer / i answer so i can learn
Ben Ku
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Re: Should I rule out Neg and 0 in this DS question?

by Ben Ku Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:14 am

Please cite the source (author) of this problem. We cannot reply unless a source is cited (and, if no source is cited, we will have to delete the post!). Thanks.
Ben Ku