MGMAT CAT and forums really helped during my preparation but unfortunately, I didn't get the score I wanted. That's why I'd like the advices from people here.
I took the test 3 days ago and I got 680, q44 and v38.
I am really disappointed since I was aiming 700+ and got several 720 during my preparation.
I'm wondering whether I should retake and I'd like to hear any advices. Here are severals elements about my situation :
-First, I want to highlight that GMAT became a sort of challenge to me. I started at 580 in December and I knew I needed a 700+. I've been studying for the last 4 months and I just can't accept the truth. I'm not a 680 guy. I've studied too hard to fail so close to my target. I'm not even sure my sadness and anger are about compromising my application. They may be related to the fact I didn't get what I prepared for.
-I'm a european student (non english speaking country) and I'm applying in european program for which the average GMAT is around 650 (no official figures are given). However, my GPA is not amazing and some students from the program strongly advised me to aim 700+ with a high quantitative score. I know, people here would say not to retake since I'm already above the average in a non-english speaking country which is not so familiar to GMAT. However, my grades at school are not amazing and the GMAT was supposed to help me compensate and show that I have quantitatives skills which will help me succeed even though my grades could say the contrary. Also, the recruiting process is not as demanding as the one for business schools. We don't have to write essays, seek for long recommandations, etc... My point is that I won't sacrifice other parts of my application file by studying GMAT for a few more weeks.
-Because of the application deadline, I need to retake soon. Probably at the end of April. If I decide to do so, I think I will take a week to relax and I will go back on GMAT tracks for 3 intense weeks. I bought the gmat club tests but I didn't have time to use them so I still have 10 tests to do. I'm not sure it is enough. However, I will probably need good verbal materials.
-The last few days before G-day were quiet stressful. I took the TOEFL on friday, had to work with a tight deadline on a project for school and I got a job interview on monday's night. Then, I took the GMAT on tuesday morning. However, the hours right before the GMAT were really : I was not stressed, and the AWA and IR were like a warmup. I was really in a good mood at the beginning of the quantitative part and I managed to stay focused until the end of the exam. I never try to estimate my score.
-I feel really bad because I really have the feeling I did everything well. I worked hard, I used good prep materials, I was not too stressed but still, the score is not the one I want.
-Here are the scores I got during my preparation :

I want to mention that my last gmatprep is not so much inflated. I didn't get that many repeat questions. I made an effort to copy the exam condition and I was really confortable. I even had more time than needed during quant and verbal parts. Maybe the last MGMAT, where I got 640, shouLd have warn me that something was going wrong... I don't know...
Thanks a lot for reading.