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Shocked at my GMAT score

by career.sumit Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:43 am

I gave GMAT today and was shocked to get a dismal score of 610 (Q 43 V 31)
I could not believe it. I never got such a low score in any of the practice tests. In GMAT prep tests i scored 690 and 660. While retaking i even reached 740. In other test like pdf tests from ETS, gmatclub free test, i always scored above 680.

While on the real GMAT today, i was shocked to learn my final score. During the test, quant seem a bit tough but i feel still my score does not reflect my answers. In verbal, i was very confident in most of the questions, there were hardly 4-5 questions which i feel a bit tough. Other than that, i was very confident while choosing an answer. Now i won't be able to apply to ISB whose deadline is 30 Nov and with such pathetic score, they won't even consider me for an interview
As for my preparation, i solved OG 12, OG 11,, OG 10, OG quant I,II, OG verbal. Studied Manhattan SC guide, solved a lot of 1000 SC, viewed discussion for CR/SC questions at this site.
I need guidance from expert people. I am still not able to digest the result of my gmat.
Please guide me what should i do. I am down and out. I need to take admission in 2012. So will probably have to reappear for GMAT before february (most univ have their deadlines around Feb).
Experts please throw some light...
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Re: Shocked at my GMAT score

by jeremysage26 Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:37 pm

I'm not an expert, but I went through the same exact thing. Manhattan GMAT CAT exams I scored 630-700. I got a 700 on CAT exam 6. I was very confident going in, but scored a 610. I'm going to retake in a few weeks.
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Re: Shocked at my GMAT score

by career.sumit Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:57 am

Even i am gonna retake GMAT in a few weeks.
Do you have any suggestions ??
I plan to take quite a few free gmat-cat tests available online just to ensure that my preparation is right on track.
what do you think ?
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Re: Shocked at my GMAT score

by nakul.maheshwari000 Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:54 pm

I have my GMAT in 2 weeks and reading all this is definitely freaking me out. It seems like MGMAT CATs are easier than the real GMAT tests.
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Re: Shocked at my GMAT score

by pavan.mpv Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:51 am

I think MGMAT tests are too tough that it is not focusing much on questions of 500-650 range. Since we cross 700, we assume that we will perform much better on the real GMAT. GMAT Prep gives us the accurate score. We all should access our performance based on that score, not on any other CATs.