I gave GMAT today and was shocked to get a dismal score of 610 (Q 43 V 31)
I could not believe it. I never got such a low score in any of the practice tests. In GMAT prep tests i scored 690 and 660. While retaking i even reached 740. In other test like pdf tests from ETS, gmatclub free test, i always scored above 680.
While on the real GMAT today, i was shocked to learn my final score. During the test, quant seem a bit tough but i feel still my score does not reflect my answers. In verbal, i was very confident in most of the questions, there were hardly 4-5 questions which i feel a bit tough. Other than that, i was very confident while choosing an answer. Now i won't be able to apply to ISB whose deadline is 30 Nov and with such pathetic score, they won't even consider me for an interview
As for my preparation, i solved OG 12, OG 11,, OG 10, OG quant I,II, OG verbal. Studied Manhattan SC guide, solved a lot of 1000 SC, viewed discussion for CR/SC questions at this site.
I need guidance from expert people. I am still not able to digest the result of my gmat.
Please guide me what should i do. I am down and out. I need to take admission in 2012. So will probably have to reappear for GMAT before february (most univ have their deadlines around Feb).
Experts please throw some light...