gupta.akrati Wrote:I have a doubt here.I had read in SC guide that when 'and' is preceded by a comma the following sentence must have a subject of its own but here in (C) we are not having any subject (they) after 'and'.
the poster above (below yours) has done a nice job of explaining what is actually going on in this particular instance.
however, note that this whole idea of "comma +
andmust be used to connect to complete sentences" isn't really true.
you can use comma +
and to connect smaller sentence elements, especially in cases where those elements are long enough to make the sentence unreadable without the extra punctuation.
for instance:
i closed the windows and locked the doors--> everything here is short and easy to read, so there is no reason to add another comma before "and".
i closed the windows to keep the humidity and mosquitoes from entering the house, and locked the doors so they would not swing open by surprise.--> the comma is desirable here -- even though it's not
technically necessary -- because the sentence is extremely difficult to read without it; the two verb phrases are so long as to make a giant jumble of words if they are not broken up with some extra punctuation.