Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.

Seeking study advise - stead decline in score...

by karishma.bhargava Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:47 pm


I am using the MGMAT self study program to study for the GMAT. After each MCAT exam, I spend a good amount of time identifying both my strengths and weakness. Then during the following week, I spend time studying and drilling myself on my weaknesses.

Thus far my scores have been as follows... and I am a bit frustrated because it seems like the more time and effort I put into into studying, the less my score improves.

CAT #1 650 (Q43/V36) - Date Completed 11/22/2008
CAT #2 630 (Q44/V32) - Date Completed 1/10/2008
CAT #3 620 (Q43/V32) - Date Completed 1/25/2008
CAT #4 580 (Q41/V29) - Date Completed 2/1/2009

Any insight you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

by san Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:28 pm

It seems your fundamentals are strong and you do not need to study.

Don't get confused yourself using MGMAT guides. Ha....
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:44 pm

I can certainly understand your frustration. It's not terrible, though - there's actually a reason why this is happening!

Progress is not typically linear for most people - there usually isn't a steady increase in score from the time you start studying. Instead, most people stay steady, go up and down, or even drop for a while before they start to go up beyond where they were in the first place. The main reason this is happening: when you learn a new way of doing something, (a) you have to break your old habits / ways of doing things, and (b) you take longer than you should with the new way because you're still learning it. So, for example, you study algebra and learn all of these new ways of doing things, but you're a bit slow at first and you have to remember what to do when, etc. And then, of course, that slowness messes you up on the rest of the section because the test is a timed test.

Also, don't take tests so frequently. It takes a good 3 weeks of studying every day before someone is ready to try a test and see whether they've improved. And, even then, don't necessarily expect improvements across the board on your next test. Instead, look at the data for the things you studied since the last test. Did your accuracy improve? That's a good first step. Next, is your timing okay or are you still too slow on those things you've been studying? If still too slow, go back and study those things again from a timing standpoint, not just an accuracy standpoint. Are you maintaining your performance on things that you studied earlier? Some will maintain, some won't - so now you know what you need to review because it didn't "stick" from the first time you studied it. And so on.

You may also benefit from an error log. First, write down precisely why you get any problem wrong.  Then figure out how you can change your methods or institute new habits in such a way that you will minimize the chances of repeating that type of error in the future. Here are some things to answer / address in your error log:

For the ones you got wrong, answer these questions:
1) Why did I get it wrong (as specifically as possible)?
2) What could I do to minimize the chance of making that error (or those errors) again?  How will I make whatever that is a habit so that I really do minimize chances of making the same error again?
3) What are the right ways to do it? (for math, there's always more than one way to do a problem)
4) Of the right ways, which one is the best way for me (combining both efficiency and effectiveness) given my strengths and weaknesses?
5) How will I recognize problems of similar type in future so that I can apply that "best way" to the problem?

For the ones you got right:
1) Did I really know what I was doing or did I get lucky?  If I got lucky, review all of the "wrong answer" questions, above
2) If I did know what I was doing, did I also do it in the best way (for me)?  If not, figure out the best way for you.
3) How will I recognize problems of similar type in future so that I can either repeat my original success or apply my new "best way" to the problem?
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
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Re: Seeking study advice - steady decline in score...

by karishma.bhargava Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:58 am

Stacey, thank you so much for your advice! I will let you know how my studies progress!
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9363
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

Re: Seeking study advise - stead decline in score...

by StaceyKoprince Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:04 pm

You're welcome - good luck! Let us know how it goes!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum