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SEC regulations require that -Mcgraw Hill Question

by SANJAYLAKHANI Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:34 am

SEC regulations require that a public
company disclose to theirpotential investors
any legal, technological, or financial
complications that could endanger their

A. a public company disclose to their
B. a public company discloses to its
C. a public company disclose to its
D. public companies disclose to its
E. public companies have disclosed to their

Can anybody pls explain as to why C is preferred over B- company is singular sso we should choose B?


by Kris Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:08 am

This is a question regarding Subjunctives, So a singular form disclose is needed
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by esledge Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:10 pm

The bossy main verb "require" must be followed by a noun phrase beginning with "that." Within the "that" phrase, we need a subject ("public company") and a command subjunctive ("disclose"--the infinitive "to disclose" minus the "to").

Note that the verb within the "that" phrase is NOT determined by subject-verb agreement rules.
Emily Sledge