redable Wrote:A scrub jay can remember when it cached a particular piece of food in a particular place, researchers have discovered, and tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if stored long enough to have rotted.
A. tend not to bother to recover a perishable treat if
B. they tend not to bother recovering a perishable treat
C. tending not to bother recovering a perishable treat if
D. tends not to bother recovering a perishable treat
E. tends not bothering to recover a perishable treat if
I am confused about the structure of parallelism. What's wrong with option A?
Thanks in advance
Ron can easily explain why A is wrong because Ron is a native and so He can understand the intended meaning a few seconds after reading the original senence. for non natives, we have to make hard effort to understand the intended meaing when we read the original sentence. if we do not focus on finding the intended meaing at the first read, we think that "remember" is parrallel with"tend" and we are wrong. if we focus on finding the meaning at first read, we find out , after at least 30 seconds, not 5 seconds, which Ron used to do the same job, that the intended meaning is "can remember" is parallel with "tends".
Ron, do you agree that you understand the intended meaning nearly immediately after you finish reading the original sentence for most sc questions.?
but for me and non native, we need at least 30-60 seconds to finish the same job. the process of trying to understand the intended meaing at first read dose not alway give us the intended meaning but this step is important for non native and save us time for many reasons.
sc gmat is designed to make it very hard for non native to realize the intended meaning at the first read . even we feel that the cheating of meaing is played by gmat sc. The reason is not that gmat sc want to disadvantage non native. The reason is that gmat sc want us to convey the exact focus of meaning and gmat sc plays this game to test our ability to do convey the exact focus of meaning. Many wrong answers on sc are grammatical but wrong just because the focus of meaing is changed and the illogicness is not clear. In this problem, the illogicness of parallelism between "can remember" and "can tend" is hard to realize for non native but it is still illogic.
all above things make a situation that it is easy to understand a sc explanation but we still fail on the sc. I think focusing actively on meaning is solution for non native. native persons do not need to do focusing, they do focusing naturrally already.
I just want to explain why non native do not realize A is incorrect.