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Scored worse my 2nd attempt at the GMAT!!!!! So Confused

by pkanotra Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:28 am


I need some help and am completely lost. I have been studying for a few months for the GMAT now, taken about 15 prep tests and am completely confused about my test day performance. My results are as follows (Sorry for the length of this post):

CAT 1: 520 Q34V27 this is the first time i ever took any kind of cat test to get a benchmark.

CAT 2: 570 Q40V29, this is after a little bit of studying to see how i was doing, i saw some improvement so decided to take the MGMAT course and go through the class.

GMAT Prep Test 1: 570 Q41 V27 wanted to see how the actual GMATPrep compare to MGMAT problems.

CAT 3: 640 Q42 V36, felt pretty good about the positive correlation in my scores and was finally improving on Verbal

CAT 4: 600 Q42 V32, quant score was stabilizing but Verbal was still a hit or miss decided to focus study on verbal more

CAT 5: 600 Q39 V34, taken 3 days after my CAT 4 and just felt drained when taking it so might have been the reason for lower quant score.

CAT 6: 660 Q44 V36, Best score so far feel great, and ready for the GMAT was in 5 days after this CAT test.

GMAT Prep 2: 620, Taken 2 days after CAT 6 and 3 days before my 1st attempt at the GMAT. Didn't feel too great but figured since i got a 660 in CAT 6 i might be able to pull off a decent score on the actual gmat.

GMAT Test attempt 1: 610 Q42 V32 extremely disappointed in my performance. Tried to relax the day prior to the test, but still wasn't able to sleep the night before. I signed up for the 8 am test so had to wake up early enough and ended up sleeping close to 2 or 3 hours.

Decided to take some time off studying and then to try again. Started to study more and purchased the 800score Prep tests.

800Score Test 1: 560 Q37V30 After not studying for close to 3 weeks, i decided to take another CAT to see what my benchmark was and was extremely worried and decided to ramp up the studying.

800Score Test 2: 600 Q40 V33 got back to studying again and was glad there was positive correlation

800Score Test 3: 670 Q40 V41... broke the 40's in my verbal score! was extremely proud and happy that my studying was paying off and i was finally showing promise

800Score Test 4: 650 Q38V42.. Was glad my verbal scores were doing well

800Score Test 5: 690 Q45 V40, Best score to date and felt i was finally ready to tackle the real GMAT and break my curse of breaking 40 on Verbal.

After all these tests i decided to buy the extra exam pack on the GMATPrep software to see how 800Score tests compare to the GMATprep ones

GMATPrep 3 650 Q44 V35. Was a little discouraged but not too bad as i always felt the verbal on the actual test were harder than the practice tests i took.

GMATPrep 4 640 Q44 V34, taken 3 days after GMATPrep 3 and i figured taking the practice test after just 3 days was the reason.

Then came the actual test date.

GMAT Test Attempt 2 (yesterday): 580 Q44 V25!!
Was completely and utterly destroyed by the result. The day before i did some problems on all of the topics to get comfortable with the problems and a final review. I also decided to take my exam at 11 am instead of 8 am in hopes that i would sleep more but alas sleep would not come. Went to bed at 8 pm but nerves along with excitement just had my brain going and i couldn't fall asleep. I may have slept an hour or 2 max before it was time to get up to get ready. While taking the test, my IR and Quant felt really good. I got an 8 on my IR which was the best i have ever gotten so i knew i wasn't completely failing that part of the test. But as the Verbal started i am not sure what happened. I just wasn't able to process the questions. My comprehension was weak, i thought i was answering problems correctly but when i saw the final score was just utterly devastated, especially because i got a worse score my 2nd attempt which was disappointing to say the least.

I am wondering if anybody else had gone through something similar and if they retook the test?

i am going to try again because this is something i want extremely bad and will not give up till i get there. But i just wanted to see if anybody had a similar experience and if they could give me some insight as to what i can do to calm my nerves and or improve my Verbal score.

Thank you,