Start with review - not doing a bunch of older questions. Learn first, then apply that learning to new questions.
Use our old standard ( ... roblem.cfm) to thoroughly analyze what you've been doing on the CATs and OG questions - like 10+ minutes per question for the harder ones. That's how you actually learn to get better. Go back and do that for these questions that you got wrong AND for any that you found even a little challenging (even if you got them right).
No, I don't think that taking GMATPrep repeatedly is going to help you fix your timing issues - not much anyway, especially since you'll see many repeats. You change your bad timing habits by (1) changing your mindset: ... to-win-it/ ... -to-do-it/and by (2) developing certain time management skills: ... nt-part-1/(see section 4)
For the weakness areas you listed, go look at those Qs and figure out WHY you got them wrong. And then figure out what you need to do in order to make those things better. (Also, tell me what those things are.)
out of these questions,the questions that i missed were in 700-800 range.Dont know if that makes a difference.
That's good! You're always going to get some wrong, so you want them to be the higher-level ones if possible!
p.s. if you are re-taking a test and do see a repeated question, get it right ONLY IF you are confident that you'd get it right if it were a completely new question. Otherwise, get it wrong on purpose.