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scored 560 (q:42 v: 25) :((

by lizkiwiliz Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:19 am

Hi everyone!

I took the test last week and scored 560 (q:42 v:25) However, what is really weird that I was scoring 700 on the practice tests. Here are my scores in the past 3 months

cat1 : 560
cat2: 580
cat3 : 610
cat4 : 640
cat5: 630
cat6: 690
cat7: 710
cat8: 700
cat9: 700

cat1: 600
cat2: 600
cat3: 630
cat4: 640
cat5: 680

power prep 1: 640
power prep 2: 650

I was really sick at the day of the test and maybe i could not focus enough. I am not sure what went wrong. This was my second attempt. Now I am going to take the test again and i need
at least 700 hundred. What should i do? any advice? (by the way i am an international student so english is not my mother tongue so i will probably need more advice on verbal)