by Suapplle Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:13 pm
hi,Ron,I am confused about "comma+v-ing' and "comma+v-ed"
In this question,in choice(D),
"more than doubling the country's size,bring......"
here,"bring" modify "doubling" or the main clause"the united states acquired ......"?
also,in a similar prep question:
The new image of Stone Age people as systematic hunters of large animals, rather than merely scavenging for meat, have emerged from the examination from the examination of tools found in Germany, including three wooden spears that archaeologists believe to be above 400,000 years old.
correct answer:E. mere scavengers of meat, has emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, including
it seems that,"including" modified "tools"
but,I remeber "comma+v-ing " function as an adverb and modify the entire preceding clause,why "comma+including" modify the noun "tools"?
I think "comma+v-ed" should modify the preceding clause,but in this sentence(it is part of sentence from Og13,but I am not sure whether I can quote it, I am really confused about this sentence,if it violates the forum rules,please delete it,thank you)
Correct sentence:Pilot JC held seventeen official national and international speed records,earned at a time when aviation was so new that many of .....
It seems "earned" modify the closet noun "records"
I met several prep questions similar to the above sentence,maybe I am wrong about the usage of "comma+v-ed"please shed more light on,thanks!