by StaceyKoprince Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:36 pm
Yes, it is typical to be slower at first with this technique, for two reasons.
First, it's just going to take you time and practice in order to be efficient with any new technique. Second, this technique does take a bit longer than the "normal" way to process an SC, which leads us to your second question.
Generally speaking, no, you shouldn't use the Core technique for all questions on the test (because it takes longer). You should only use it when you need to use it (and that will be when the question is generally long, convoluted, and hard).
When you're practicing, though, you should practice with many questions, even lower level ones, just so that you can get very good with the technique itself. You might want to do that by reviewing OG problems you've already done in the past, but try them again with this technique. That will help you to get more practice with the technique itself without "wasting" new questions. Then, when you start to feel pretty comfortable with the skill (in terms of both accuracy and timing), you can start to test yourself on new problems.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum